would try to host IPL T-20 cricket matches at new facelift panjim gymkhana once it completes says GCA president chetan dessai

 17/01/2016 … The ongoing works of giving a facelift to the Panjim Gymkhana turning the gymkhana cricket ground in an international standard could fetch future ipl t-20 cricket matches at the gymkhana ground in the capital city says president of goa cricket association chetan dessai
The proposed building will be constructed at the cost of approximately Rs 4 crore and on completion, the building is expected give a new look to the place with the state of the art cricket facilities which could host ranji matches in future. 
Speaking to goanreporter.com gca president chetan dessai said that gca would make the panjim gymkhana ground in to an international cricket standard where in ranji matches as well as ipl matches could be held in the capital city
Mr dessai said that the committee members of panjim gymkhana would also have their own plans in the new facelift panjim gymkhana ground


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