Panaji ::: September 10, 2018  … Goa State Commission for Women (GSCW), recently, held a half-day workshop for Police personnel at the Gazetted Police Officer’s Institute, Altinho on the topic ‘Sensitization of Police’. Retired Judge Shri. Desmond D’Costa, Prof. D.S. Rao and PI Sudiksha Naik were the Guest speakers spoke on topics like the role of a Police Officer in cases such as Child and Women Abuse, Use of soft skills while dealing with women complainants etc.

Earlier, Chairman of GSCW Smt. Shubhalaxmi Naik welcomed the gathering and briefed about the workshop.

While addressing the gathering, Shri. D’costa urged the Police personnel to maintain a clean image in the society and maintain discipline in the working environment. “Police force plays a vital role to keep law and order. You are the only civil remedy for crime; hence, people approach you with lots of expectations and trust. Give each complainant a patient hearing,” Shri. D’Costa told Police officers.

Prof Rao advised the Police to introspect themselves and work towards self-improvement. While speaking on the topic ‘Expectations of the public from the Police force’, Prof Rao said that being honest towards one’s duty and saying ‘No’ to the negative forces in the society will help in building a strong Police force. “Being sincere on duty can get you out of all the barriers. Police personnel is pressurized by politicians, NGOs, and others. However, never compromise with ethics and morals. Be in your limits and never opt for corruption,” he said.

PI Sudiksha Naik emphasized on importance Soft skills while approaching a lady complainant.  “Police staff remains busy and have to multitask. In this process, we tend to lose our temper and patience. Whenever a lady approaches with a complaint, we must ensure that she is comfortable and not scared. Building a rapport with a lady complainant helps. We must act patiently, softly and in a dignified manner.”

The speakers later answered the questions raised by the committee members and Police. Members of GSCW Smt. Neela Naik, Smt. Sameera Cardozo and Smt. Aslinda D’souza were also present on the occasion.