two member committee visits office of goa cricket association at porvorim


11/10/2014 …. A two member committee comprising of CMO of Bits Pilani KM Raghevandra and chartered accountant Pradeep Lad on Friday made their visit to the office of goa cricket association at porvorim and carried out certain inquiries in connection with the financial and administrative affairs of the Goa Cricket Association

Though both the members were unable to meet the gca president vinod phadke and secretary chetan dessai, the officials met gca treasurer vilas dessai and other gca office bearers where in the officials had an interaction with the committee members in regard to gca day to day affairs

It may be noted that the State government on last Wednesday had constituted a two-member inquiry committee to investigate financial and administrative affairs of the Goa Cricket Association and the committee had been granted time till November 14 to submit its report to the government.

The committee will also investigate into the allegations made in the complaints filed by Chandu Lamani, GCA member, on September 22 and by Prasad Phaterpekar and Wayne Fernandes, president and secretary of the Torda Sports Club, on September 23.

Speaking to media reporters CMO of Bits Pilani KM Raghevandra said that the investigating team had asked the gca officials to cooperate with them during the investigation period

Mr raghuvendra stated that the final decision in to the matter would be taken up by the state government once the report was submitted to the concerned department

Meanwhile gca treasurer vilas dessai said that gca would cooperate with the investigation team in all possible ways