Panaji: August 12, 2019 ….“We have to strengthen infrastructure by putting emphasis on quality infrastructure using modern technology,” said Minister for Public Works Department (PWD), Shri Deepak Prabhu Pauskar who was speaking as the Chief Guest at the inauguration of two-day Indian Roads Congress (IRC) 218th Mid-Term Council Meeting, held in Dona Paula, recently.

The Indian Roads Congress (IRC) is the Apex Body of road sector engineers and professionals in the country.  Shri Pauskar informed that the State authorities were looking into solving issues such as land acquisition which would help in the development of National Highways in the State.

Chief Secretary, Shri Parimal Rai, IAS, in his address said that roads are the interface between a person and the place. He said that engineers and administrators have to find innovative means to address issues. Shri Rai further said that often times there are techniques offering solutions in theory but these are not implemented in practice because many prefer the easy way of building roads. He said, “We must think of time and cost effective solutions.”

Earlier, Principal Chief Engineer, PWD, Shri Uttam  Parsekar in his welcome address said that Goa had entered into the Golden phase of infrastructure building in the State. The President of IRC, Shri Toli  Basar briefed the gathering about the activities of the IRC.

Souvenirs of IRS Council Meeting and 13 IRC Documents were released on the occasion.

Secretary General, IRC, Shri S.K. Nirmal proposed the vote of thanks.


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