Panaji, July 14, 2014  … One Kilo of Sugar per person will be distributed during the month of July 2014 to the families of Below Poverty Line (BPL), Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) and Annapurna (ANP) at a price of Rs.13.50 per kg.

The Fair Price Shop Owners are directed to start lifting the stock of the Sugar immediately and supply the quota of July 2014 to the cardholders immediately.  They are also requested to display the sample of the quality of Commodity supplied to the cardholders.  The entire  quota to the BPL, AAY and ANP cardholders should be made immediately and the entire quota should be lifted before  July 20, 2014.

Respective cardholders are requested to draw their monthly ration quota from their respective Fair Price Shop on or before July 31, 2014 as per their entitlement and sign the register maintained at Fair Price shops in token of having lifted their quota.

Complaints, if any, in case of non supply of PDS commodities and the quantity and quality supplied by the Fair Price Shops is not found satisfactory be made to the office of the respective Joint Mamlatdars-I or Department of Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, Panaji.