Panaji, November15, 2015 …. The Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs, Campal, Panaji will be organizing the XIV prestigious State Level Youth Festival 2015 to select the talented youth scheduled to participate in the National Youth Festival 2016. For which last date for submission of entry forms is extended to November 23, 2015. The Participants/ Institutions/Groups are requested to submit their entries to the Taluka Asstt. Physical. Education Officer, (APEO) at the Sports Complex situated in each Taluka on or before November 23, 2015.

The North District Youth Festival is scheduled at Ravindra Bhavan, Sankhali on November 28 and 29, 2015 and South District Youth Festival is scheduled at DSYA Open Ground, Canacona on December 4 and 5, 2015 and the XIV State Youth Festival 2015 will be organized at Ravindra Bhavan Fatorda, Margao on December 15 and 16, 2015.

The entry forms can also be collected from APEOs from the above mentioned address or from Head Office Directorate of Sports and Youth Affairs, Campal Panaji and also can be downloaded from the official website of Directorate of  Sports and Youth Affairs