state tourism department to ask event organizers of sunburn and supersonic to strictly implement the ban on smoking and drugs


10/12/2014 …. Stating that there was a need to put a ban on smoking in open places specially during the tourism related the state tourism department has said that they ask the event organizers of sunburn and supersonic to strictly implement the ban on smoking and drugs and not to allow such activities to be carried during the concerned events being held in goa ….

Speaking to goanrepeorter tourism minister dilip parulekar said that his department would ask the event organizers to strictly implement of putting a ban on activities like smoking and drugs during event like sunburn and supersonic where in even the media had to play an important role to curb such illegal activities

Commenting over the issue of the confusion for dates between sunburn and supersonic Parulekar said that since the feast of st francs Xavier was over while exposition was still on and there was no much crowd at the moment at old goa there was no problem to have both the events sunburn and supersonic at the same time thus concerning law and order problem at the venue being approved by the state police department

Parulekar said that both the event organizers had submitted their concerned plan to the single window system committee of the state tourism department