start a one month online bjp membership drive for youths in the age group of 12-18 years says prime minister narendra modi to its bjp party workers in goa


15/06/2014 … Asking to take advantage of the modern information technology systems Prime minister of india narednra modi on saturday asked state bjp workers to start a one month online bjp membership drive for youths in the age group of 12-18 years which could help the state bjp centre to be a model for its political party in the country to be a strong political party ….

Addressing bjp booth level workers at dr shayama prasad indoor stadium at taleigao in goa prime minister narendra modi said that the state of goa was a well educated stated and had educated bjp party workers who could used information technology to reached out to every citizen of the country around the world using various forms of online services

Prime minister modi also stated that such initiative could help the bjp party to form a strong bjp cadre which could be helpful for the party in the next state and lok Sabha elections