Speaker of goa legislative assembly rajendra arlekar gives state media open invitation to verify the process of ballot lottery systems which allows questions to state mla’s turn wise in the state assembly session


17/07/2015 …. Stating that proper transparency has been maintained during the lottery systems of the ballot Speaker of the goa legislative assembly rajendra arlekar has asked given the state media an open invitation to verify the process of ballot lottery systems which allows questions to state mla’s turn wise in the state assembly session

It may be noted that as the days for the start of monsoon assembly session is near there has been a procedure of ballot lottery systems where in state mla’s are required to put froth their question for a particular assembly session day and later through the lottery systems a concerned mla has to pick up a lot and whoever get a chances number wise is allowed a chance to raise his questions on the floor of the house …….

But not happy with this ballot lottery system three of the independent MLAs namely Vijay Sardesai, Naresh Sawal and Rohan Khaunte had earleir petitioned the Speaker that all the independents be treated as a separate group and be allotted time for demands on the floor of the House separately .

The group through their petition had also stated urged the speaker to desist from videography of the ballot and other related procedure as it showed lack of confidence in them as MLAs as well as the staff of legislative department who have been hitherto functioning in an impartial and unbiased manner …

Speaking to media reporters over the issue speaker of goa legislative assembly Mr arlekar also stated that since there was were specific issue there were certain mla’s who were trying to take cheap publicity with non issues

Mr arlekar said that he was unable to understand as why such issues were raised by certain state mla’s as equal opportunities were given to every mla to raise his issues in the house through a lottery system

Mr arlekar said that the procedure of lottery systems was also recorded too and still then certain mla’s still had a doubt on lottery system too