since the state crime branch is under the purview of state government there is a need to hand over the Louis berger case to cbi if there has to be any neutrality in to the case says ex cm francisco sardinha

11/08/2015 …. Former chief minister Francisco sardinha has said that since the state crime branch was under the purview of state government there was a need to hand over the Louis berger case to central bureau of investigation if there had to be any neutrality in to the louis berger case …
Speaking to goan reporter former chief minister Francisco sardinha said that the state crime branch had arrested certain politicians as if they were some fugitive specially arresting them late at night which was totally wrong on the part of the state police
Mr sardinha said that he would like to wait and see as what was the outcome of the case being investigated by state crime branch
Chief minister laxmikant parsekar said that his police officials were doing a good job and woud like them to complete their job
Meanwhile there were mixed reactions from state mla’s as weather the louis berger case had to be handed over to cbi or not