December 14, 2016 …. “Ata tari hai mhann’’  a book on Konkani drama  written by Shri Mahesh Chandrakant Naik was released at the hands of Chief Guest  Information Officer of Department of Information & Publicity, Shri John Aguiar at a function at Dardeshwar Sabhamantap , Brittona yesterday.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Aguiar complimented the writer Shri Mahesh and said that writers belong to the society and therefore is influenced by good of bad things happening around him which he pens down and puts before the readers and the audience. Drama writing he said was his favourite literary form as dramas are effective medium of communication and education of the masses. He said writers should give a social message to educate the society through their literary work.

Shri Mahesh Naik has written 22 plays altogether.

Those present on the occasion comprised writer Shri Mahesh Naik, Director of the play, Shri Krishna Naik, Shri Pandurang Pednekar, Shri Gurudas Naik and Dr.P. V. Rataboli.

Dr. Rataboli, Writer Mahesh Naik, and Printer Shri Nilesh Bugde also spoke on the occasion.

The writer Shri Naik and printer Shri Bugde were felicitated at the hands of Shri Aguiar by presenting shawl, shriphal and memento. The actors of the drama were also felicitated on the occasion.