Rotary Club of Panaji Riviera Felicitates Teachers From Special Education Field


Rotary Club of Panaji Rivera, had conducted a felicitation program for teachers and support staff from special school across different parts of Goa state on the occasion of teachers day celebration week, on September 08, 2022 at Club Tennis de Gasper Dias, Goa from 10.30 am-4.30pm.

Speaking on the occasion Rotarian Ryan Costa (Vocational Service Director-RC Panaji Riveira: started with the famous quote of William Butler Yeats, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”He spoke about how education is the key to success in life, and how teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students by bringing out the best in students.he further continued how the job of a special education teacher is all the more daunting and challenging as they are responsible for the educational needs of children with a wide range of disabilities. These children also require a variety of different services, modifications and accommodations in their educational experiences. Knowledge of each type of disability and the specific needs of the children with that disability are crucial to being a successful special educator.


Rotarian Jeet Tolani (Vocational Service Director-RC Panaji Riveira):

Welcomed all on behalf of the President and members of the Rotary Club of Panaji Riviera, and begin his speech saying “What most people don’t know is that most Special Education teachers are really angels disguised as extraordinary humans.” Tonight, we take pleasure in honoring five teachers & 5 support staff who have found their meaning and purpose in educating young minds who sometimes are just a little different.

Rotarian. Rajesh Salgaonkar (membership development chair RC Panaji Riviera) formally introduce Chief Guest for the Function Mr. Guruprasad Pawaskar.(State Commissioner for Person with Disabilities) Rotarian. Raghavendra (President RC Panaji Riviera)  present a floral welcome to our Chief Guest.

Mr. Guruprasad Pawaskar did the honours of felicitation of five teachers and five support staff, who have demonstrated commitment and dedication to their vocation was done.

  1. The awardees were: (No particular order of merit)
  2. Ms. Geeta Vishwakarma Rane
  3. Mr. Sarvesh Sagun Paryekar

iii. Mrs. Varsha Viraj Narvekar

  1. Mrs. Bagyashri Salvi
  2. Ms. Krititha Kundaikar
  3. Mr. Sofiano Sequeira

vii. Ms. Norma Martins

viii. Ms. Nayan S. Naik

  1. Sr. Meena Dias
  2. Mr. Sagar Kerkar
  3. President Rtn. Raghavendra presented a memento to the Chief Guest Mr. Guruprasad Pawaskar, as a token of gratitude.
  4. The function came to an end where Rtn. Shriniwas Deshpande(Club Secretary) presented the vote of thanks.


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