reacting to the FIR filed by the crime branch of Goa police against him, former PWD minister Churchill Alemao accuses chief minister manohar parrikar of taking revenge against him speaking in favour of st andre mla vishu surya wagh


01-01-2014 … reacting to the FIR filed by the crime branch of Goa police against him,  former PWD minister Churchill Alemao has said the chief minister wants to take revenge against him for having spoken at the recent  meeting which was convened at Goa velha to condemn the attack on legislator Vishnu Wagh.

addressing media persons in Margao on tuesay, mr Alemao said that  he was invited to the meeting and spoke there as it was the first time that an attack on a sitting legislator had taken place in goa.

Mentioning the complaint of scam against him, Mr Alemao said the then president of national students of India Sunil kawthankar had filed a complaint against him out of frustration while he was the PWD minister.

Admitting that the PWD staff might have done something wrong, mr Alemao said he was not responsible for the misdeeds of the PWD staff.

Sounding defiant, He further said that he was not afraid of attempts to defame him by his political rivals.