Prime minister of india shri narendra modi to inaugurate start up work for the 470 crores new mandovi bridge in the capital city


11/06/2014 …. In its first public programme after taking over as the prime minister of the country Prime minister of india shri narendra modi would inaugurate the start up work for the 470 crores new mandovi bridge which would be constructed in a 24 months’ time said chief minister Manohar parrikar on Wednesday

prime minister narendra modi who would be in goa on Saturday at ins hansa in vasco would also interact with bjp booth level worker’s at goa university indoor stadium followed by inauguration for the start up work of new mandovi bridge at kala academy and later would have interaction with 100-150 invitees at a five star resort in the capital city

 Addressing media person’s chief minister manohar Parrikar said that most of the clearances for the new Mondovi bridge were on board and were expecting for the actual work to start by mid September

 Parrikar said the bridge was a four lane bridge with a distance of around 2.2 kms and would solve the problems of people from bardez area

 Commenting over his visit to Delhi chief minister Parrikar said that he had made courtesy visit to various minister of the modi led government and had while interacting with the central environment minister had specially spoke on issues like Kasturirangan report, buffer zone, green tribunal and other issues related to environment …