Popular Science Lecture at Goa Science Centre


19/08/2014 …. Goa Science Centre is organising an awareness programme with popular science lecture on ‘Role of Community in Control of Mosquito Born Diseases’ by Dr. Mahesh Kaliwal, State Entomologise, Directorate of Health Services, Govt. of Goa, tomorrow, August 20, 2014 at 11 am in the Auditorium of the Centre. The lecture is organised to mark ‘World Mosquito Day” on August 20.

Mosquito can cause and spread certain diseases like malaria, dengue, chikungunya and many more.  To prevent or control these diseases it is essential to take certain measures by the concerned department and especially by the community. These diseases being mosquito borne diseases the role of community is very vital because most of the mosquitoes are being grown-up around their own premises and mostly in the man-made environment like drainages, storage tanks, etc. It is difficult to control unless community acts to prevent or eliminate potential mosquito breed site created by them. 

 the lecture highlights on the cause and spread of mosquito borne diseases, prevention/ control and specially the community role in the prevention and control of mosquito borne diseases. It will also be a great opportunity for the students, teachers as well as general public to interact with the resource person