PM chairs meeting of Chief Ministers of North East States


20-01-2014 … The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh held a meeting with the Chief Ministers of North East Region to review the progress of infrastructure projects in the region.  

This meeting was organized by the Planning Commission which is the nodal agency initiating and monitoring developmental work in North East region.

Opening the meeting, the Prime Minister said that the Government viewed infrastructure development in the North East as a key element in the strategy for developing the region and increasing connectivity with the rest of the country.

Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission, Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia made a detailed presentation on Infrastructure Development in the region and noted that continuous focus on the region has led to satisfactory results during the 11th Plan period.  

The State Domestic Product growth in the region has been above the national average for the first time ever in the 11th Plan underscoring success of the initiatives and constant monitoring by the Planning Commission.  

The GSDP of North East region grew  nearly 10% during the 11th Plan period from 2007-2012 compared to 8% for the country as a whole.  This growth was supported by good agriculture sector performance including horticulture, floriculture, fisheries, rubber and oil palm production.

 It was also noted by Deputy Chairman,  Planning Commission that during the same period total Central Assistance including NCA, ACA, SCA and SPA had more than doubled to the region from Rs. 34764 crore during the 10th Plan to Rs. 73374 crore during the 11th Plan period.  As a result, Plan Expenditure has grown significantly in all NE states as share of GSDP.

 In his concluding remarks, the Prime Minister noted that “very considerable progress is being made in each of the sectors reviewed today”. He directed the Planning Commission to constitute a Monitoring Committee with representatives from the North East states to improve coordination among Central ministries.

 Central Ministries have focused on development of infrastructure including Railways, Roads, Airports, Telecom and Power.