Panaji, May 24, 2017 …. The  Captain of Ports has granted permission allowing the vessels/barges to cross the Aguada Sand Bar from May 21, 2017 to May 26, 2017 to those that have applied for permission, at their own risk and perils, provided the vessels/barges crossing the Aguada Sand Bar should have at all times valid survey certificate/valid Insurance, and weather permitting.

 The Vessels/Barges crossing the Aguada Sand Bar should carry 2/3rd of its carrying capacity. Vessels/barges holding extension survey certificate are not permitted to cross the Aguada Sand Bar subject to inspection.

 All Owners/Masters/Crews/Fishing Vessels are required to exercise extra caution while navigating through the said areas as the Navigational buoys in the rivers Mandovi and Zuari have been withdrawan. Extra lookout/watchkeeper to be on duty to avoid any mishap. Further, overtaking of vessels/barges from Mandovi Bridges to mouth of Mandovi river is strictly prohibited. Master/Serang of all vessels will adhere to the Rules of Road strictly and notification under reference.

All Inland Vessels/Crafts to keep clear off ferry boats at ferry crossings.

The above permission will be withdrawn without assigning any reasons thereof, without any right of claims whatsoever