Panel discussion on the theme ‘Working Together to Prevent Suicide’


Margao:  September 08, 2018 … The team of District Mental Health Programme (DMHP), Department of Psychiatry, Hospicio Hospital, Margao has organized a panel discussion to commemorate the World Suicide Prevention Day, on the IASP theme “Working Together to Prevent Suicide” at 10.00 a.m. on September 7, 2018 at the Conference Hall of Ravindra Bhavan, Margao.

The purpose of this event is to create awareness about suicides and its prevention and to work together towards developing strategies and ways to prevent suicides in the community.

The programme is organised by the team of District Mental Health Programme (DMHP) Department of Psychiatry- Dr. Lourencinho Rodrigues, Program Officer, Ms. Conceicao Vaz, Psychiatric Nurse, Ms. Alvia Pereira- Clinical Psychologist, Ms. Vidhita Naik- Psychiatric Social Worker and Mr. Uday Kothwale- Asst. Case Registry, Hospicio Hospital, Margao.  The Chief Guest- Dr. Narayan Desai, Ex-Principal of S.S. Angel Higher Secondary School, Mashem- Loliem, Canacona will be the key note speaker on the occasion.

The panelist consist of eminent personalities from different disciplines – Dr. Enid Miranda, Psychiatrist;  Ms. Rochelle Pereira  Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist; Dr. Wilson N. Fernandes, Asst.Professor/HOD, Dept.of Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing, Fr. Clifford Castelino, Diocesan Family Service Centre, Archdiocese of Goa and Daman; Mr. Roquezinho D’souza; Social Worker/Businessman and Mr. Arvind Tengse, Sr. Journalist who will be putting across their viewpoints based on the theme in relation to their respective work areas.  Dr. Rajendra Hegde, Psychiatrist will be the moderator for the discussion.

The audience will consist of representatives from Educational Institutions, Health Sector and the general wherein they will get a chance to share their views, opinions and ideas in the discussion.