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Feast of St Francis Xavier celebrated at Old Goa in Goa


The feast of Saint St Francis Xavier, popularly known as Goencho Saib, was celebrated on Monday with great pomp, joy and gaiety at old Goa with lakhs of devotes being a part of the feast mass,

Bishop Anil Couto, Archbishop-elect of Delhi was the main celebrant along with Archbishop Goa and Daman Felippe Neri Ferrao, Archbishop Emeritus Raul Gonsalves and Bishop Alwyn Barreto of Sindhudurg and hundreds of other priests

In his homily speech Bishop Anil Couto said “We are in the year of faith which pope Benedict XVI inaugurated on October 11 2012 in rome and which will conclude on November 24 , 2013 this year of faith is a beautiful opportunity for us to renew our personnel relationship with our lord jesus Christ and our fidelity to the teachings of the Christ

The church is called to be a sign of god’s kingdom in this world and we will be such a sign only when we remain faithful to the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ and walk on that path despite the pain and difficulties it entails …

The world in which we are living today calls for courage to live a life contrary to the prevailing materialistic consumerist and hedonistic culture that does not believe in eternal values but considers the gratification of all sensual appetites as the primary and most important value .

Individualism selfishness and greed are the pillars on which this culture is based end justifies the means is the basic slogan by which it sustains itself in the midst of such a situation , Christians are called to live another set of values the values of kingdom of god which Christ or lord has proclaimed …

They are the sure way to eternal life and a witness to the truth of all that Christ has taught , st francis Xavier gladly embraced the path of kingdom of god in all its radicalism and so has become a model of Christian discipleship for all of us as we celebrate the 460th anniversary of his saintly death we are ready to say the same yes to Christ as he did although in our own different contexts let us look deep in to our hearts for the answer for it lies there “

Thanking Bishop Anil Couto for having accepted the invitation to be a part of the feast of St Francis Xavier Arch Bishop Felipe Neri Ferrao in his speech said “We thank Bishop Anil Couto and invoke gods abundance blessings on his future Episcopal ministry as the new archbishop of Delhi and also thanked specially the rector of basilica fr savio baretto who coordinated all the efforts of organizing the novenas and feast with lot of patience and also acknowledged by the help led by volunteers to collect the donations for the the kruis of milagres spiritual renewal project and also thanked the basilica committee for allowing the volunteers to do so  and for having offered them the necessary facilities”

Bishop ferrao also said “I  wish all those present a truly spiritually joyful and graceful feast of saint francis xaiver and I wish and pray that this year which would end at the end of this liturgical year on 24th November 2013 the year of faith may be for all of us a  privilege time of gods grace to experience as a holy fathers says the profound beauty and the perennial newness of our faith in Jesus to celebrate it in more devoutly in the liturgy and to witness with more joyfully more courageously in our day to day life may god bless all of us ..

Also present on the occasion were governor of goa bharat vir wanchoo, minister for fisheries avertano furtado, st andre mla Vishnu surya wagh, fatorda mla vijai sardessai, vasco mla carlos almeida, aldon mla glen ticlo and other’s,

The state government has tightened security, deploying hundreds of police personnel and traffic personnel around old goa so that proper law and and order along with traffic arrangemnts are maintained.

On the feast day mass had started as early as 4 am in the morning followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 with the feast mass at 10.30 am later followed by 12.30 pm in the afternoon and later at 4.15, 5.15 and 6.15 in the evening ….



sygenta india limited corlim holds training programme for monfort iti students


OLDGOA: In a way to provide better training facilities to the students of monfort industrial training institute situated in to the village of corlim, santa monica works corlim recently held an exposure training programme for the students of Electronics and Electrician trades for developing their practical skills so as to improve students employability and also to help the iti students become industry ready technicians …

It may be noted that Montfort ITI is an effort of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel international Educational Society to contribute to the industrial development of Goa by providing sound moral and technical education to the youth of this state.

Presently, Montfort Institute, Corlim gives Electronics, Fitter, Electrician, Automobile, Secretarial Practice, Catering, Welding and Computer courses for the youth in and around Goa.

Management of Montfort ITI had requested Santa monica works to have an exposure training programme for their students of Electronics and Electrician trades and sygenta Company had accepted their request and made detailed SOP of the programme in collaboration with Montfort Institute.

Around 17 students from 2nd year students from Electrical and Electronics specializations were selected for training from the monfort iti institute who were a part of the training programme where in the students undergoing training at SMW where in topics such as the use of PPE’s safety item’s, Do’s & Don’ts during emergency, work culture and environment at Santa Monica Works was addressed by Mr. P.S. Jagadeesha, Mr. S.G.S.Borkar and Mr. Gaurish Bhende.

On 7th September the day of actual training, the students were given introductory lecture by Mr. Abhinandan Hukeri, Manager automation Department and were given all the PPE’s before the actual training started where in Mr. Andrew D’Souza facilitated all requirements of the training session.

Later it was decided that students would also undergo training once in a week from Friday – 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. till the students could go for their 2nd year final examination for which the company also decided to give certificates once the students successfully completed the training.

sygenta india limied holds demontration programmes on agricultural activites in corlim village


OLDGOA: As a part of its Corporate Social Responsibilities of Sygenta India Limited, Tiswaddi Corlim, Sygenta Krishi Mitr held a day long demonstration programme at the parish hall of St Joao De Facundo Church Corlim on Agriculture Developmental Activities informing the locals of Corlim Village about crops such as Coconut, Cashew and Mangoes where in total technical knowledge on getting quality and maximum yield of fruits from the tress were demonstrated during the programme..

Sygenta Krishi Mitr is one of the Corporate Social Responsibilities Programme of Sygenta Goa whose main aim has been of supporting the Goa Agricultural Community to innovate Crops solution in its Village and surroundings and has reached to more than forty villages and this year with the main focus being on the villages of Corlim Dhulapi Mangado and surrounding villages .

Information such as how to improve the agriculture productivity with good quality products, fertilizers and pesticides to take care of diseases on plants such as Mango, Cashew and Coconut was given

Also information such as what types of fertilizes, how to take care of the crops which are the different diseases and how to control them told to the villagers of Corlim Village

Speaking to Goan Reporter Sygenta Site Manager Martin Gosh said “Sygenta Krishi Mitr is one of our Corporate Social Responsibilities Programme in Goa of which the purpose is of supporting the Goan Agricultural Community to innovate crops solution as we would also like to promote good agriculture practices and to increase the yield and quality of the produce and also to motive Goan farmers to continue in agriculture in which fortunately had been on decline in the recent years”

Gosh said “Through this programme we would like to grow more from less and currently our more focus is on mango cashew, coconut, paddy and vegetables as the last couple of years Sygenta and Krishi Mitr has reached to more than forty villages and this year our focus is on the villages of Corlim, Dhulapi, Mangado and surrounding Villages and also are working in close with other agencies and are very happy to receive support from other agencies like Department of Agriculture Department, Goa ICAR-Old Goa ….

Meanwhile Parish Priest of St Joao De Facundo Church Corlim Fr Assis Dourado said “Now a days such programmes were very important for people to give information about crops which could help in giving proper quality of fruits and if such programmes are held that it would also give a chance for locals to plant more trees which is good for environment too people would also have some time to work in their gardens and lands ..

The whole Demonstration programme was organized by Sygenta CSR Executive Andrew D’souza

Stalls at Old Goa Feast controlled by outisder’s


OLD GOA: In a shocking incident which has taken place at fair area at the ongoing feast of st francis Xavier at old goa the duty of allotting stalls at various areas in and around old goa seems to be taken over by outsiders instead of old goa village panchayat …

In a incident which could raise fingers on the working system of the old goa village panchayat body a bengali women labourer was seen collecting money from various stall allotted which have been sublet by the original allottes that too in thousands of rupees though the original price of stall allotment given by the village concerned old goa village panchayat was 1,100 for 2 in to 2 meters and 2,200 for four in to four meters …
It may be noted that this time the old goa village Panchayat has also warned those who would be given a chance to put up a stall would not be allowed to sublet the space to any other persons during the ten day feast …

Beale Street Memphis

“At the same time as far as keep the old goa area clean and garbage issue is concerned the panchayat had also asked the stall owners not to throw their garbage all over but to keep it at old place so that the panchayat labourers could collect it during night time every day and get it cleaned and if any one was found throwing garbage here and there than that person would be strictly fined with a fess of rs 2,000 each day”

One of a outsider stall allotte who has taken the stall from a goan person told GOANREPORTER “we had come here to do some garment business at the feast of st francs Xavier at old goa but the price in which I had to buy these three stalls at one place were surprising as I had to pay a price of around fifty six thousand in together to a Bengali lady who had done the deal to the concerned person who had sublet the stall to us though at present I have only paid twenty four thousand to her while for the remaining money she would come and collect it”

But even more suprising was that the concerned Bengali lady came to the same shop which is situated along the old goa-diwar road side and started asking the remaining amount of money and even stated that she had nine more such stalls in her hand which could be given for such huge amount  and also removed a bunch of 500 rupees note from her pocket and gave it to one of her person in front of the concerned stall owner ..

Though the concerned stall owner kept on saying that it was a big amount for him to pay as there was no business that he had done in the past few days the Bengali lady in her conversation with the concerned stall owner said “you do not have to get worried as there are three more days left and in the next  three days you would get your money of the amount of fifty six thousand rupees recovered as well as you would be able to do a good business at the fair” and when the stall owner asked for a receipt of his fifty six thousand amount the lady said ‘I would also give you the receipt of the same amount which you have given me for the rent of the shop”

When the same incident was brought to the notice of the sarpanch if the old goa village panchayat vishal volvoikar he said “well the panchayat has followed proper procedures while allotting stalls specially given to locals first and if they have sublet it then the panchayat has no role to play in it though one of the criteria was that the concerned person who has been allotted the stall could not sublet his stall to any other person but still we would try to investigate in to the matter as how this things were done”

Rector of basilica of bom jesus fr savio baretto said “this is a surprise to us that even there is a local body who has done the stall allotment procedure an outside lady seems to have control on subletting the stalls and such issue need to be investigated and therefore I would urge the state government to seriously look in to the matter and get the issue investigated as soon as possible

Meanwhile heavy security has been tightened up in and around the old goa area for the next three days with more than 300 police personnel’s along with cisf force which would guard the place round the clock from Saturday to Tuesday ….

Goans all set to celebrate the Feast of St Francis Xavier on 3rd December


OLDGOA: on 3rd of December all roads would be packed with devotees of st Francis Xavier as the nine day’s novena’s of st Francis Xavier which started on 24th of November last month would end up with the December 3rd being celebrated as the feast day of st Francis Xavier who is also know as goa’s patron saint …

Masses on Monday would start as early as 4am after which it would be followed by 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 with the feast mass being celebrated at 10.30 am in the morning where in would bishop of Jalandhar bishop anil couto would be the main celebrant for this year’s feast mass along with goa’s arch bishop felipe neri ferrao, rev bishop raul goansalves and hundreds of other priest from goa and round the world …

Eminent dignitaries from the state government side as well as from other professions are also expected to be a part of the feast mass …

Later on the feast day masses would also be held at 12.30 in the afternoon which would be followed by 4.15pm, 5.15pm and 6.15pm in the evening …

This time it seems  with iffi festival coming to an end before the feast of st francis Xavier the state government have taken enough care to see that proper law and order along with traffic arrangements are maintained in and around old goa with hundreds of police personnel’s as well as traffic personnel’s are seen deployed all around old goa …

It may be noted that the feast of st francis xaiver on which lakhs of devotes ask for blessings and miracles draws lakhs of crowd to the basilica of bom jesus at old goa every years on 3rd December


panchayat minister laxmikhant parsekar expresses concern over ucassaim panchayat secretary and sarpanch caught up in bribe issue


OLDGOA: Stating that the locals at village levels had to be more concerned about Secretaries’ Sarpancha’s or Pancha’s asking for Bribe’s which had to be brought to the notice of the Law Enforcement Authorities Panchayat Minister Laxmikhant Parsekar on Saturday expressed concerns over the arrest of the Sarpanch and Village Panchayat Secretary of Ucassaim Village Panchayat who were caught red-handed, while accepting a bribe of Rs 70,000 by The Goa Police Anti-Corruption Bureau on Friday …

It may be noted that Sarpanch Rajesh Dabhale and Secretary Uday Naik of Ucassaim had allegedly demanded Rs 2.35 lakh from architect Rahul Deshpande to issue a construction licence for the renovation of a house for which both the sarpanch and the secretary had demanded Rs 2.35 lakh to issue the licence – Rs 30,000 for each of the seven panchas and Rs 25,000 for the secretary.

Speaking to Goan Repoeter on the sidelines of a function held at the Corlim Primary Health Centre in Tiswaddi Taluka, where in a Multi Purpose Van was donated by Sygenta India Limited to the Corlim Primary Health Centre as a part of their Corporate Social Responsibilities Panchayat Minister Laxmikhant Parsekar said “When our government had come in to power in the State My Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar had said that our Government would be of zero tolerance though it was not only for his Cabinet Minister and for Government Officers but also for Municipalities and Panchayat to obey that and since Goa being a tourist place number of construction and builders are approaching various Panchayats and certain Panchayats are doing malpractices like this and the Ucassaim Panchayat example is a unique example and I was sorry to learn that a Sarpanch and a Secretary were trapped red handed which is a good lesson for rest of other Panchayats I would say though it is very unfortunate but it is a good lesson too ..

On asked what about some of the Panchayat’s passing huge construction projects in certain villages even after they were opposed by the locals gram sabha parsekar said “It is the people who have to take care of all this as, as a minister and department we would act only when it comes to our notice as such things are not done in public and as every one have learnt or read through the media about this incident one could understand as how the spots were changed in this case and no one can keep a track of such things and therefore it is for only public to decide and act upon it.

Parsekar also stated that though it was a fact that even some Panchayat were giving permission to certain project even after it was opposed in gram sabhas, there were also some gram sabhas where in there were people with ulterior interest where in a group of locals do come and try to get their things passed though I do believe that it should not happen

Press Release For the day as on 30.11.2012 Pertaining to the cases Registered at below mentioned Police Stations / Units are as under.




Complained that on 30.11.12 at 21.00 hrs., accused Rajesh Jagannath Patil, aged 37 yrs. r/o near  Vithoba Temple,  Reis Mangos, Betim  driver of  swift  vehicle  bearing No.GA-03-H-3193 drove the same in a rash and negligent manner dashed against Yamaha FZ Motorcycle bearing No.GA-07-D-8193 thereby causing injuries to the rider namely Mr. Krishna Yadahali and pillion rider Saddam Bangalore. Cr.No.358/12 u/s 279, 338 IPC stands registered. HC-3911 Julio Diniz is I. O.


On 30.11.12, dead body of unidentified person, age between 45 to 60 yrs. was found lying dead near Sulabh Souchalaya at KTC Bus Stand Mapusa. Body preserved in Morgue for identification. U.D.No.74/12 u/s 174 Cr. P. C. stands registered.


On 30.11.12, one Francis Furtardo, aged 73 yrs. r/o Housing board, Sanquelim was brought dead at PHC Sanquelim as a case of chest pain. U.D.No.76/12 u/s 174 Cr. P. C. stands registered. PSI Gaurish Parab is I. O.


On 30.11.12, one Mrs. Revati w/o Parshuram Kari, aged 23 yrs. r/o Usgao expired in GMC Bambolim. Death of deceased occurred within 7 seven years of marriage. Body preserved in GMC Morgue.  U.D.No.130/12 u/s 174 Cr. P. C. stands registered.  SDM Dharbandora is I.O.

On 30.11.12, one Ghatu s/o Dhaku Sinde, aged 60 yrs. r/o Mhalshewada, Curti was found hanging at Gawliwada Curti. PME being conducted. U.D.No.131/12 u/s 174 Cr. P. C.  Stands registered. PI C.L. Patil is I.O.


Bishal  Sapkota s/o  Melbourne Victorian, Australian National presently  staying  at  Elephant Art café  Anjuna  complained that  on 26.11.12  till date  accused Fiz ( full name not known) allegedly  dishonestly  miss appropriate mobile of the complainant  make I Phone W/rs.700$ which was entrusted to the accused for charging and when enquired accused give false excuse that someone has stolen. Cr.No.153/12 u/s 406 IPC stands registered. PSI Mahesh Kerkar is I. O.

Shri Dattaraj Ramesh Dabholkar, age 24 yrs. r/o Huddowado, Shappora complained that on 29.11.12 at 07.00 hrs.  to 30.11.12 at 07.00 hrs., unknown culprits effected  entry into the house of  complainant  by using duplicate  key to main door lock and stole  away cash of Rs.55,000/- and gold  ornaments total W/Rs.1,26,500/- all W/rs.1,81,500/- from the cupboard. Cr.No.154/12 u/s 380 IPC stands registered. ASI R. G. Shinde is I. O.


Devanand Gopal Candolkar r/o Muddiwada, Chodan complained that on 30.11.12 between 10.30 hrs. to 13.30 hrs., unknown accused person/s effected entry into  the Vasudev Devki Krishna Pisso Ravalnath Devastan temple at  Pandavwada, Chodan from the main door and committed theft of 12,000/- approx. by break  opening  fund Peti. Cr.No.142/12 u/s 454, 380 IPC stands registered. PSI R. N. Shirodkar is I. O.


1) A raid was conducted on 29.11.12 between 21.40 hrs.  to 08.00 hrs   near baskin Robbins Ice Cream Parlor Calangute, wherein victim girls were rescued  who were  procured  by the accused  person namely 1) kartik r/o Mumbai, 2)  Sanjay, driver of white car ( No. not known) for the purpose of prostitution  and supplied  them to the  prospective customers at  Calangute and other  places at Goa. The  victim girls were kept at  Guest House, Porvorim by accused  Sr.No.2 further  accused  persons were found living  on the earning  of the  prostitution  in the  vicinity of the public place. Cr.No.273/12 u/s 3, 4, 5 and 7 of ITP Act stands registered. PI N. Rapose is I. O.

2) Complaint on behalf of the State that on 30.11.12 at prior to 15.05 hrs. accused Upendra Gawandi, age 17 yrs. r/o Calangute rider of Yamaha  M/Cycle  No.GA-07-D-6235 drove it in a rash and negligent manner, while proceeding  from Saligao  towards  Mapusa and  when reached  near Saima hardware enterprises, dashed  against the footpath and  two coconut tress of the  footpath on the  left side of the  rode and sustained  grievous injuries  to head  due to which the  succumbed  to injury so also bleeding  injuries to both the  pillion riders of the said  motor cycle. Cr.No.274/12 u/s 279, 337, 338, 304-A IPC and 3 of M.V. Act stands registered. LPSI D Naik is I. O.



Sygenta India Limited-Corlim donates Muti-purpose Ambulance to Corlim Primary Health Centre


OLDGOA: Best Hotels Near Beale Street Memphis Health Minister Laxmikhant Parsekar on Saturday said that there was a need for Corporate as well as Business houses to come forward in helping the State Government in carrying out Developmental Works of the Society at Large

Mr Parsekar was speaking at a function held at the Corlim Primary Health Centre in Tiswaddi Taluka, where in a Multi-Purpose Ambulance  Van was donated by Sygenta India Limited to the Corlim Primary Health Centre as a part of their Corporate Social Responsibilities …

Also present for the function were Site Manager of Sygenta India Limited Martin Gosh who handed over the keys of the Ambulance to the Heatlh Minister in the presence of Directorate of Health Services Sanjeev Dalvi, Officer Incharge of Corlim Primary Heatlh Centre Dr Kedar Raikar, Heads of Corporate Social Responsibilities Sygenta P S Jagdesha, Sakharam Borkar and other digintatires …

Presently the Corlim Primary Health Centre covers a distance of  areas such as Borbot, Diwar, Mangado, Ela, Merces, Bambolim, Nagalli, Siridao and Bhatim in which there are over Eleven Sub-Centre’s along with one Non Bedded Primary Health Centre and One Rrural Medical Dispensary covering a population of over ninety thousand people with the addition of migrant laboureres coming to a total of over a lakh of population under the Health Centre …

Speaking during the Function Health Minister Laxmikhant Parsekar praised the efforts of the Officer Incharge of Corlim Primary Health Centre stating that Praising the efforts of the Health Officer Incharge of Heatlh Centre Dr Kedar Raikar for being able to get help from Sygenta India Limited for donating the Ambulance to Corlim Primary Health Centre

Health Minister Laxmikhant Parsekar said that he had asked his Health Director Sanjeev Dalvi to carry out an Audit Report of those Health Officers who had performed in their Services in Community Heatlh Centre’s and Primary Health Centre’s with honesty and sincerity and like Dr Raikar who had transformed the Corlim Primary Health Centre in one of the best Primary Health Centers of the State …

The Vehicle which has been donated by Sygenta India Limited has cost over a three lakh of rupees and would be used for Mass Communication, Site Inspection, Educating Communities, Conducting Elocution Competition on Health Arena’s, School Health Competition’s, Spraying and Fogging of Malaria in and around the areas coming under Corlim Primary Health Centre

Site Manager In-Charge of Sygenta India Limited Martin Gosh said “Sygenta has been in Corlim for more than forty years now and we always had a close relation with the Community and we see that from our side we should always give a helping hand to the Community and a donation of an Ambulance is more of a help in that respect and we hope that the Ambulance is not used more often and hope that everyone is healthy and fine and if in case of emergency we would certainly like to have all the facilities available at the Village in Corlim…

Mr Gosh also said as Dr Raikar has been in touch with PHC and the idea has come from PHC and we are happy to support them as we just see this as a beginning in supporting the Community at Large”

In Charge of Corlim Primary Health Centre Dr Kedar Raikar said “earlier the concerned Health Centre had only a single vehicle to cover vast areas coming under our Corlim Health Centre jurisdiction and we used to hire vehicles to carry out their programmes and site inspection and in and around the area and with Sygenta coming forward to help the Corlim Primary Health Centre we would surely be able to work more better helping out the common people of the society in and around our jurisdiction

Mining data completely messed up: CM


After being ticked off by the Supreme Court-appointed Centrally Empowered Committee over “erroneous and incomplete data” on mining, Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has sought to deflect the blame on erstwhile Congress regime for the “mess-up”.

“The former government had miserably failed to maintain the records, including the number of operational mining leases, exports and productions. This mess is inherited by my government which is now working overtime to put in place all the records,” Parrikar told PTI.

In a strong-worded letter to the state chief secretary, the Centrally Empowered Committee, which is inquiring illegal mining in Goa, had complained about “erroneous and incomplete data”.

Justice M B Shah Commission also investigating into the illegalities had expressed similar complaint in the past.

Clearing the air on the issue, Parrikar said, “A total of 130 mining leases were operational in the state for last five years. There is no proper record of all these mines. The mines department was also unaware about 400-odd traders who were involved in the business”.

He said the state Mines and Geology department, which saw some tainted officers being sacked, went through a tough time as it had to reconstruct all the details.

“Now since the matter is in the SC, we have time to clear this mess and get things in place before mining resumes,” the Chief Minister said.

On resumption of mining activity which has been halted for over last two months post the Supreme Court order, Parrikar said the state government was awaiting directions from the apex court.

Goa is the country’s largest exporter of iron ore with 43 million metric tonnes of ore shipped abroad during last financial yea

Working with Mira was a dream come true: Shimit


“Chak De” director Shimit Amin says working with Mira Nair as an editor on her much anticipated movie ” The Reluctant Fundamentalist” was a dream come true and an honour.


Shimit, who started his career as an editor with the movie “Bhoot” in 2003, has also directed films like “Ab Tak Chhappan” and “Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year”.

“It is an honour to work with Mira. She is a wonderful director and I always wanted to work with her. I was flattered when she offered me to do the movie and felt it was the right moment to take up the project,” Amin said on the sidelines of a film festival.

The movie is based on the novel by the same name by Mohsin Hamid and stars Riz Ahmed, Kate Hudson, Liev Schreiber, Kiefer Sutherland, Om Puri and Shabana Azmi.

Amin says editing the movie was a long and complicated process and took a year to complete.

“The movie is so global and shot in so many places like Lahore, Istanbul, Delhi, America that editing the film was a complex procedure. It took a year to complete the editing,” said Amin.

The film is being screened at the closing of IFFI in its Asian premiere after touring festivals in London, Toronto, Doha and Venice. It will be released world wide on April 26.