October 19, 2014 …. There are excellent opportunities for  youths to join the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force in the ranks and serve the nation.

District Collector North Goa Smt.  Neela Mohanan,IAS today held discussions with the concerned officials of the administration for the smooth conduct of the rally. Representatives from the Directorate of Health Services, Directorate of Fire and Emergency Services, Directorate of Education, Directorate of Transport, Kadamba Transport Corporation, Department of Information and Publicity, Department of Sainik Welfare, Director Recruiting, Army recruiting Officer, Kolhapur, Commanding Officer, 6, Airmen Selection Centre, Mumbai,  Deputy Collectors/SDO’s of Bicholim and Ponda attended the meeting.

The District Magistrate also appointed Liason Officers and Executive Magistrates at Panjim, Bicholim and Ponda for the rallies.

An Open Army recruitment rally will be conducted by the Army Recruiting Office, Kolhapur  for eligible youth of Goa state from November 12 to July 14  at 6 Technical Training Regiment Ponda and  Government Polytechnic, Mayem, Bicholim while  Airmen Selection Centre, Mumbai is conducting an open Indian Air force recruitment rally on  November 11 to 13 at the Sports Authority of Goa grounds at Campal, Panaji.

The Army rally is being conducted to recruit soldiers for the post of soldier technical, general duty, clerk, store-keeper technical and soldier tradesman. The minimum age is 17-and-a-half years and maximum is 23 years. Candidates below 18 years age should bring a consent letter from their parents and married candidates below 21 years will not be allowed to enroll into the army. Candidates have to undergo physical fitness test, physical measurement test, and medical examination.

The candidates should report at the 6 Technical Training Regiment at Ponda at 5 am to 8 am.  The candidates appearing after  8 am will not be screeneds. The candidates should produce all certificates in original and Photostat copies including education, nativity, community/caste, date of birth, character certification from the village Sarpanch/administrative officer in English and NCC/Sports. They should also carry 14 passport sized photographs with name and date of birth printed on the bottom.

The candidates passing in 1.6 km run at 6 TTR Ponda will be moved to Government Polytechnic grounds, Bicholim for registration, Physical Fitness Test, Physical Measurement test and Documentation.Medical Exam of the shortlisted candidates will be held on November 14, 2014.

Indian Air Force offers opportunities for unmarried Male citizens from Goa. The IAF, offers attractive salary and other benefits to its personnel. The  6, Airmen Selection Centre, Mumbai of the Indian Air Force will hold recruitment rally for airmen candidates from Goa at the SAG grounds Campal from November 11 to November 13 to fill Airmen Group X Technical Trade and Group Y Trade posts.

 The Recruitment Test for Group ‘X’ (Technical) Trades will be held on November 11 while that of  Group ‘Y’ (For Medical Assistant only) Trade will be held on November 12, 2014. The candidates should report at the SAG grounds at 7.30 am.


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