October 21, 2015 …. The services regarding on line registration of C-form has been started in FRRO, Goa under IVFRT (Immigration, Visa, Foreigners Registration & Tracking) system w.e.f. 25/06/2014.

 The registration of C-Forms is mandatory under Rule 14(4) & (6) of Registration of Foreigners Rules, 1992. As per Section 14(4), “Every particular, other than the signature of the keeper of a hotel or a visitor, which is required by this rule to be recorded in the said register, shall be recorded by the keeper of the hotel and in the English language, if he is so able, or otherwise, in an Indian language.

As per Section 14(6),The keeper of the hotel shall, as soon as may be but not more than twenty –four hours, after the arrival of any foreigner, transmit a copy of Form-C ,duly completed from the particulars furnished by such a foreigner ,to the Registration Officer.”

As per section 5 of The Registration of Foreigners Act 1939, “Any person who contravenes, or attempts to contravene, or fails to comply with, any provision of any rule made under this Act shall be punished, if a foreigner, with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees or with both, or if not a foreigner with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees”

In the first phase only the Hotels, Guest houses were issued User ids for submitting C-Forms online of foreigners. Whereas the residents letting out premises to foreigners, the C-Forms were being accepted at Police stations/FRRO office manually.

 As approved by Dy.Director BOI New Delhi the resident letting out their individual houses, rooms, flats to the foreigners on rent by entering into leave & license agreement will be issued /approved User ids for enabling them to fill/register C-Forms online of the foreigners

 All the residents letting out such premises to foreigners on rent are advise to report /approach FRROoffice at Police Head Quarters Panaji along with hard copy of request letter for approval of User id which has to be printed from the website boi.gov.in during office hours to get the ‘C’ Form user registration approved for enabling them to fill the C-Forms atleast by 15.10.2015

 It may be also noted that manual C-Forms will not be accepted at Police Stations or at FRRO office Panaji after 15.10.2015.