nuvem legislator mickyp Pacheco could participate in the House proceedings provided the court gives mr pacheco permission to participate in the house says speaker rajendra arlekar


17/07/2015 …. Even as goa government gears up for the three-week-long state Legislative Assembly session commencing next month speaker Rajendra Arlekar on Thursday said imprisoned legislator mickyp Pacheco could participate in the House proceedings provided the court gives mr pacheco permission to participate in the house.

Pacheco, a Goa Vikas Party legislator, has been convicted for slapping a junior engineer in electricity department and is currently jailed at Sada Sub prison.

Pacheco had resigned from the Cabinet after Supreme Court refused to quash his sentence given by Judicial Magistrate First Class, Margao.

goa speaker rajendra Arlekar said there is no ban on Pacheco participating in the session as he is a member of the Legislative Assembly but could do that only after getting permission from court

Mr arlekar said that since mr Pacheco was detained by the court it was up to the court to permit him whether micky could attend the state assembly session or not

Meanwhile social activist advocate aires rodrigues said that mr Pacheco at the moment was a convict and therefore it was up to the court to decide on the concerned issue though the court could allow such decision only in certain cases giving proper reasons