Panaji:Aug.15,2015 …  The Chief Minister Shri Laxmikant Parsekar has said that the Government has taken rapid strides in the sector of Infrastructure and as a result has undertaken many developmental projects throughout the state. The development in these days has gained momentum and will be a reality in the next one year.

Shri Parsekar was speaking after unfurling tricolor at Martyrs Memorial at Patradevi Pernem today.

Speaking further Shri Parsekar said that the mission of Swacch Bharat does not mean cleaning of garbage only, but we have to achieve cleanliness in our social, public, life and in administration by setting good practices of transparency and welfare orientation  .

  Shri Parsekar further speaking informed that Government has decided to extend benefit of compensation up to one lakh to those freedom fighters who were involved in the freedom movement and also as per the criteria of the extent of their involvement.

 Speaker of Goa Legislative Assembly Shri Rajendra Arlekar greeted the people on this occasion and said that we are indebted to our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives to liberate our motherland from the clutches of unjust colonial rule of British. Their lifelong struggle for freedom yielded rich crop of freedom due to which we are living in free and democratic country.

Speaking further Shri Arlekar said that, we have to think about the vision and objective laid down by our freedom fighters for our country. Their sacrifice has left behind us a supreme duty to work for the welfare and progress of the country and upliftment of weaker section.

 Speaking about Swacch Bharat Mission, he said that every one of us has to contribute in this mission keeping our surrounding clean, should strive to develop a tendency, a behavior to maintain cleanliness.

    Shri Shashikant Nagvekar President of Goa Daman Freedom Fighters Association while speaking on the occasion complimented the Government for redressing the grievances of freedom fighters and their family.

  Shri Chandrakant Kenkare President of Goa Freedom Fighters Association also spoke on the occasion.

  Shri Parsekar on this occasion handover letters of sanction order to 25 beneficiaries under Government scheme “Providing Employment in Government  to Freedom Fighters  Children’ formulated in the year 2013.

 Shri Ramesh SAawal ZPM, Shri Vilas Shetye, Sarpanch, Dr Vassudev Deshprabhu, Chairman PMC, Shri Bhaiyya Desai  freedom fighter, other prominent citizens, Officials from various Governmental Departments like Fire Force, Police Department, PWD, Electricity and others attended the function. 

  Shri Shyam Gaonkar, Information Assistant welcomed and compered the function and also proposed the vote of thanks.