September 21, 2014 …. Speaker of Goa Legislative Assembly  Shri Rajendra Arlekar said that the training imparted by the NCC instills character and virtues of dedication, discipline, commitment and team work. The NCC he said is going strong in the country. However, there is a need to broad-base it even further and more school and college students must be encouraged and motivated to join NCC.

Shri Arlekar was  delivering his presidential address  at The Navhind Times  Ex-NCC Achievers awards-2014  function organized by the State Ex-Cadets NCC Association at International Centre Goa  yesterday.

Shri Arlekar recalled his days as a NCC cadet in the NCC infantry wing and said that  NCC is a pathway to achieve something and also  to the Armed Forces as a good number of NCC cadets join the Armed Forces. A trained NCC cadet becomes not only physically fit, but can also fight against social evils and make a positive contribution to the society. he congratulated the State Ex-Cadets NCC Association for such an initiative. He lauded the work of the jawans in Jammu and Kashmir. Despite facing danger to personal safety, the Army personnel are out there to provide relief to the civilian population of Kashmir, he said.

The achievers awards were presented by the Speaker and the Deputy Chief Minister  to Shri Keshav Prabhu (Politics) in abstention,  Dr. Dr. Vinaykumar pai Raikar (Medicine), Lt. Co. Austin Collaco, Retd. (Army) , Smt. Sushila Mendes (Teaching), Shri Levinson martins (Goa Civil Services), Shri Manoj Patil (Leadership), Shri Lourenco Fernandes (Media/Photogprahy), Shri Louis D’Consta (Security).

Also State Best NCC  Cadets who were chosen by their respective NCC units were presented trophies and certificates on the occasion. The cadets who were honoured were Mithilesh Kumar Singh, Narendra Kanoba Parab, Ashwini Kumar and Gayatri Wadkar.

 Deputy Chief Minister Shri Francis D’Souza  said also recalled his days as a NCC cadet and said that there is need  to inculcate a feeling of Patriotism and the  spirit of defending the homeland among the young generation. The NCC he saidy plays this role very well.

Executive Director of The Navhind Times Smt. Pallavi Dempo congratulated the awardees and said that it was a proud moment. She said that her organization strives towards addressing social causes and celebrating lives of great Goans.

Dr. Vinaykumar Pai Raikar and Under Officer Ashwini Kumar spoke on behalf of the awardees.

Project Manager Shri Pradip sawant in his speech gave a brief idea about the project. 

President of the State Ex-Cadets NCC Association, Shri Mangirish Pai Raikar  in his welcome address highlighted the activities and aim behind the association.

Secretary of the Association Shri John Aguiar  proposed a vote of thanks. RJ Miss Pari Priyanka Chodnekar  compered the function. Students of Bhagwadi High School Pernem presented the welcome song.

Commanding Officer of 1 Goa Girls Battalion NCC Col. D.K. Chaturvedi, Secretary, Department of Sainik Welfare, Maj. Venugopal Nair, Associate NCC Officers Present and past NCC cadets and prominent citizens were present.