Panaji: August 7, 2016 ….National Award for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities will be presented  by the President of India on December 3 2016 which will be observed as International Day of Disabled Persons.

The Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment-New Delhi has instituted the awards  to the following categories:-

          Awards  of  Rs Rs.50,000/-, A Citation,   A Certificate and A Metal Medal will be presented  for Best Employees (including Self employment) with Disabilities shall consists of Blindness, Low Vision, Leprosy Cured, Hearing Impairment, Locomotors Disability  Celebral Palsy ,Mental Retardation, Mental illness, Autism, Multiple Disability: (Male & Female)

Award of  Rs. 1,00,000/-,  a medal, a citation and a certificate will be presented  for Best three Employers  and Rs. 50,000/-, a Shield, a citation and a certificate  will be presented to Placement Officers/Agency for placement of Person with Disabilities shall consist of Government P.S.U. or Autonomous or Local Government Body, Private or non Govt. Organization.

Besides cash prizes with citation certificates will be awarded to  Best Individual and Institution for the cause of Person with Disabilities, Role Model Awards, Best Applied Research Research/Innovation/Product Development Aimed at improving the life of Persons with Disabilities, Award for the Outstanding work in the creation of Barrier-free environment  for the persons with Disabilities, Award for the Best District in providing Rehabilitation Services one, Award for the Best State Channelizing Agency of National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation one, Award for the Outstanding creative adult persons with disabilities  male and female, Award for the Best Creative Child with for Boy and one for girl, Best Braille Press one,   Best Accessible Website, Best State in promoting Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities one, and Best Sports Person with disabilities both male and female .

The persons selected for the award will be given 1st class/AC II Tier Train fare to and for their place of residence. Full hospitality and board and lodging will be provided to the awardees during their stay in Delhi at the time of receiving National Award.

 Application for the aforesaid award in the prescribed format should reach  to the Director, Directorate of Social Welfare, 18th June Road, Panaji-Goa on or before  August 10, 2016 positively. Application received thereafter will not be entertained.

 For further details and prescribed application forms contact, Directorate of Social Welfare, 18th June Road, Panaji-Goa Tel Nos. (0832) 2232257,2223784 may be contact on any working day during office hours.



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