MGP-BJP combine zp candidates as well st cruz mla babush monsoratte zp candidates file nomination forms for zp elections in st cruz and taleigao assembly constituencies


03/03/2015 … Two Mgp-bjp combined candidates sandeep vernekar for chimbel and disha kawlekar for st cruz zp constituency on Tuesday filed their nominations forms for the upcoming zp elections ..

Both the candidates submitted their nomination forms to the deputy collector sabaji shetye and were accompanied by the mgp block president of st cruz constituency prakash naik along with the supporters

Speaking to media reporters mgp block president of st cruz constituency prakash naik reposed confidence that mgp-bjp combine would get both the zp seats elected in st cruz assembly constituency

Meanwhile the st cruz mla babush monsoratte zp candidates Savanna maria araujo for st cruz, Sudesh kalangutkar for chimbel merces and Sydney baretto for taleigao also flied their nominations forms for the upcoming zp elections at the deputy collector office in panjim …

All the three candidate were accompanied by the st cruz mla babush monsoratte along with his supports

Speaking to media reporters mr monsoratte said that since the state government had filed to give any powers to zilla parishad there was less of enthusiasm shown in zilla panchayat elections


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