members of the goa liquor traders association met tourism minister dilip parulekar ask for a change in time limits for the liquor shops to be kept open till 11 am


05/07goan beaches/2014 …. Asking for a change in time limits for the liquor shops to be kept open members of the goa liquor traders association on Friday met tourism minister dilip parulekar and requested him to take up the matter of the notification of the state government which had restrained the timing of liquor wine shops for operating their business hours up to 9 pm instead of 11 pm …

It may be noted that the notification published in goa government gazette dated 19/08/2013 had restrained the timings for operation of business up to 9 pm with effect from 1/4/2014
In their memorandum the association stated that due to the notification the traders had gone in to lot of hardships to conduct their business and thus occur of loss to their establishments and considering that goa was the most preferred tourist destination the traders have requested to relax the timing up to 11 pm for which the traders were ready to pay extra license fees to the government …

Speaking to media reporter’s tourism minister dilip parulekar said that he would take up the matter with the state chief minister and then it would be up to the chief minister or with the cabinet to decided on the notification

President of goa liquor trader’s association dattaprasad naik said that due to some anti social elements traders like them were suffering and were going through a thirty percent business loss