January 19, 2013 …. A meeting of head of the institutions in and around Panjim was held today at Police Headquarters with a purpose  to formalize  cooperation between the police and the school authorities with regards to the security of the campuses, especially in preventing crimes.

A total number of 34 head and representatives of the Schools, Colleges in Panjim  attended the meeting which was addressed by the North Goa Superitendent of Police Shri Vishram Borkar, Sub Divisional Police Officer, Panjim, Shri Umesh Gaonkar , Police Inspector of Panjim Police Station Shri Rajendra Prabhudessai and Police Inspector Traffic Shri Dharmesh Angle.

Various school officials placed under serious study proposals by the police to improve security inside and outside campuses. The police insisted the installation of CCTV in all schools and colleges. There was also a suggestion from the Police side to install jammers if possible in the campuses.

It was decided that policeman will include campuses in their daily beat patrols and the time-table of the same will be intimated to the school authorities.