Lights! Camera! Question! (An open quiz on the magic of movies) …. Date: 23rd Sept. 3.00 pm at Maquinez Palace


Panaji :: 18th Sepetember 2018 :::: The Sunday Evening Quiz Club (SEQC), in association with the Entertainment Society of Goa (ESG), will be hosting ‘Lights, Camera, Question‘, a quiz on the magic of movies, on Sunday September 23 at Maquinez Palace, Panjim at 3.00 p.m.

The quiz will be replete with visual, audio and video content, and will cover all aspects of cinema, Indian and international. It will be conducted by Aniruddha Sen Gupta, a Mastermind India finalist.

The quiz will commence with a written preliminary round at 3pm, followed by onstage finals. Participation is invited for the quiz in teams of two. The quiz is open to all, and entry is free.

To pre-register, e-mail, with ‘Movie Quiz 2018 registration’ in the Subject line, and the names and contact numbers or e-mail IDs of both team members, in the body of the mail. Teams that show up at the venue without pre-registering will be accommodated subject to availability of seating.


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