Panaji, November 8, 2017 … The Chief Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, Government of India, New Delhi jointly with the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities will be holding a Mobile Court on November 23, 2017 from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. at Room No. 407, Conference Hall, Mathany Saldanha Administrative Complex, Margao-Goa.
The Grievances of persons with disabilities on the following issues-Issue of Disability Certificate, Free Education in appropriate environment to children up age of 18 years, reservation in admission in Educational Institutions, reservation in employments, reservation in poverty, alleviation schemes, rights and facilities under Persons with the Disabilities Act, Executives Orders and other Govt. instruction etc., any kind of discrimination on the ground of disabilities, will be heard in the Mobile Court and orders will be passed on the spot at the Mobile Court venue, provided complaint forms duly filled in by the complainant reaches the Office of the State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, C/o Sanjay Centre for Special Education Research and Training, Pundalik Nagar, Alto-Porvorim or Directorate of Social Welfare, 18th June Road, Panaji-Goa or on E-mail ID i.e.socialwelfaregoa@ on or before 5.30 p.m. on November 10, 2017.
The forms for filing the complaints will be made available at all Inward Counters of Municipal Councils, City Corporation of Panaji, Social Welfare Department, Panaji and Room No.27, Mathany Saldanha Administrative Complex, Margao, Block Development Offices and Office of State Commissioner for Persons with Disabilities, C/o Sanjay Centre for Special Education Research and Training, Pundalik Nagar, Alto-Porvorim or on website of Directorate of Social Welfare at in.