is it possible for the garbage treatment plant at saligao take care of other villages too ask sarpanch of calangute village panchayat joseph sequiera


30/10/2015 …. sarpanch of calangute village panchayat  joseph sequiera has questioned that the state government over the upcoming saligao garbage treatment plant trying to know as how could the garbage treatment plant take garbage from other villages when calangute itself was generating garbage to the tune of 100 tonnes per day

speaking to media reporters in panjim mr sequira said that the garbage load from calangute village itself was to the tune of 100 tonnes and therefore it was difficult to understand as how many more tones could the treatment plant take in when the government had been trying to play hide an sick over the issue

mr sequiera said that it would be difficult for the garbage treatment plant to take garbage from other villages due to its capacity of taking only 100 toness

former calangute mla agnelo fernandes said that the present calangute mla was only completing his unfinished work and though he was not objecting the garbage treatment plant he wanted to know as how the garbage treatment plant would take care og garbage from other villages

meanwhile calangute mla Michael lobo said that his dream has been to make coastal belt from calangute constituency and coastal villages to be free from garbage and that was what the chief minister had also promised him to do so



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