Hon’ble Ex-President of India, Bharat Ratna Dr. A.P. J Abdul Kalam, joins the Board of GVK EMRI as Chairman Emeritus


Bharat Ratna Hon’ble Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam, former President of India, joins the Governing Board of GVK EMRI as Chairman Emeritus.

Dr Kalam sharing his vision said “GVK EMRI 108 mission is indeed a ‘mission of partnership of every human being to remove the pain and give happiness’.  The 108 service should transform into a beautiful life saving mission throughout the nation.” goa fishing trips

Speaking on the occasion Dr. GVK Reddy, Chairman GVK EMRI expressed sincere gratitude to Dr. Kalam for his consenting to be the Chairman Emeritus and said that the visionary guidance of Dr. Kalam will help the organization to add to the organization’s capability in being a premier provider of all kinds of emergencies – medical, police, fire or disasters.  He reiterated the Board’s commitment to strengthen the 108 emergency services and thanked all Government partners of GVK EMRI for their ongoing support and partnership.

Fact file of GVK EMRI:

GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute (GVK EMRI) a non-profit Organization, having its Head Quarters in Secunderabad, A.P, was started in 2005, with a vision to provide integrated Emergency Response Services  through a toll free number ‘108’ to every citizen of our country under Public Private Partnership (PPP) framework. The service being provided in Public Private Partnership with respective State Govts is free to the citizens.

GVK EMRI has made substantial progress over the last seven years in providing Emergency Response Services across the country and presently operates over 3700 state of the art ambulances in 12 States and 2 Union Territories, viz. Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Assam, Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu, to provide pre-hospital care covering a population of nearly 600 million. Today, GVK EMRI is serving on an average 12,500 emergencies per day (over 17 million emergencies attended since inception) and cumulatively has saved more than 5,50,000 lives since the launch of the services. We provide direct employment to over 19,000 associates.

GVK EMRI’s innovative approach has revolutionized the concept of Emergency Services in India. The organization to its credit has pioneered the first of its kind interventions in India such as providing a Single Toll- Free number (108) for initiating the emergency response and a comprehensive response of emergencies involving Medical, Police, Fire and disaster management. Today “108” is synonymous with the best-in- class emergency service and has been acknowledged as the most efficient, speedy, reliable and professional service provider in the category.

With increased focus on research and analytics and collaborations with internationally renowned institutions like Stanford School of Medicine, Geomed, American Academy of Family Physicians, Carnegie Mellon University, American Heart Association, ITLS etc, GVK EMRI has plans to significantly enhance the overall emergency management scenario – further reducing individual suffering. GVK EMRI is also accredited by various International agencies for conducting education and training for medical and allied health care professionals.

GVK EMRI is a growing organization committed steadfastly to achieving its vision of serving 30 million emergencies and saving 1 million lives, while continuing to deliver services at global standards through leadership, Innovation, Technology and Research & Training.