Panaji: July 15,2014The Health Minister Shri  Lxmiklamnt Parsekar  has said that the faculty of D. Ed introduced by the Government for special children studying in Sanjay School  is a step towards the up gradation of education of Special Children and further mentioned that the Govt. will strive to start  graduate courses  in the future.

            Shri Parsekar was speaking as chief guest after inaugurating new course for special students Diploma in Special Education for Mental Retardation at Sanjay Center at Porvorim today.

Speaking further Shri Parsekar said Government is sensitive towards the special children and has been making all efforts for the betterment of this important segment. He said of the various courses in paramedics, two would be useful for the treatment of special children. He also said that we have to make utmost efforts to make the special children able and self reliant to live a dignified life and bring them  in the main stream of the society.  

Shri Anil Powar Director of Education stressed the need for participation of community in the development of special children. Considering that society being the stakeholder of the welfare and development of special children it is necessary to overcome all the shortcomings   that comes in  their way. Special people are part of society and we should look at them with love and sympathy he added .

Shri J.R. Rebello Chairman, Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education while speaking highlighted upon the fact that every individual is counted in the process of development. Therefore the society cannot give up its responsibility towards special people. Society has to strive for the welfare and has to work to make them able citizen to live better life. He lauded the association of Sanjay school with Goa Board and  congratulated the faculty members for their commitment towards special people..He also thanked the Health Minister and the Government for providing Paramedical Services to Sanjay Center.

Ther faculty members of the center were felicitated a the hands of  Minister Shri Parsekar. Shri  Guruprasad  Pawaskar  presented mementoes to the dignitaries.

Dr. Jorson Fernandes Chairman PTA of Sanjay School Curchorem,  Shri  Dr. Harish Singh Visiting Expert, Thakur Hariprasad Singh Thakur  Institute Hyderabad were those who spoke on the ocassion

Shri Guruprasad Pawaskar Chairman Sanjay Center welcomed the guests. The function was also attended by Smt. Naima Sayyed, Shri Parkar, Sjri Madhav Dhond, Smt. Kamal Nigudkar, Smt. Linette Ferrao, all Board  Members of  Sanjay Center and others.

The function was compered by shri Durgesh Majik while Smt. Lara Pereira proposed the vote of thanks.