District Magistrate, North Goa has declared the places within the jurisdiction of the Village Panchayat Calangute, Baga and Candolim area in Bardez Taluka as Temporary Parking places for Heavy/Medium Tourist Vehicles (Buses, Mini Buses, Tempo) in view of Christmas and New Year Celebration for the period upto January 15, 2024.
Temporary Parking for Heavy /Medium Tourist Vehicles (Buses, Mini Buses, Tempo) at Opposite St. Alex Church in barren field (Sy.No.434/4 & 434/5 of Calangute Village), Near Fat Fish Restaurant in barren field (Sy.No.388/1 & 388/2 of Calangute Village), Near Bodke Wadakade, Porbowado in barren field (Sy.No.375/5, 375/6, 375/7, 375/8, 375/9, 375/10, 375/11, 375/12, 375/13, 375/14 and 375/15 of Calangute Village), Open Space adjacent to Calangute Police Station, Near Poriat Cross (Sy.No.169/21 of Calangute Village), Near Poriat Ground opposite Patil Juice Center/ General Store (GTDC Parking), Baga End (Sy.No.278/1 to 278/29 of Calangute Village), Calangute Association Football Ground, GTDC Parking Lot near Bandodkar Statue/Calangute Bus Stand, Opposite Royal Jamo’s Resort (Jacinto Road), Near Bandodkar Statue oppoiste Sagar Hotel, Calangute, Near GTDC Ground Baga.
Similarly in the field of Sahani Property before New Baga Bridge, Open filed next to Sahani Property before Baga End, On Katcha Road leading to STP Plant Baga End, Road leading to Sewerage Treatment Plant on both sides behind Big Tap Brew House Restaurant, In the Parking Lot next to Nazri Resort Baga, Behind Titos Statue Fiesta Restaurant, Baga and Opposite Talsehwar Temple, Baga Bridge.