Goan Reporter News: Collectorate, North Goa issues advisory to Media


Office of the Collectorate, North Goa has issued Advisory to Print Media, Electronics and Social Media wherein it is informed that a Media Certification and Monitoring Committee (MCMC) of North Goa District has been constituted by the District Magistrate and District Election Officer, North Goa District, for the purpose of previewing, scrutinizing and verifying all advertisements by individual contesting candidates or political parties or organization/ association, before it is inserted in the electronic/print/social media.

Registered National and State Political parties and every contesting candidate must apply for pre-certification of political advertisement not later than three days prior to the date of the proposed commencement of the telecast of the advertisement. In case of any person or unregistered political parties, it should be not later than seven days prior to the date of telecast. Such application shall be accompanied by two copies of the proposed advertisement in print/electronic form along with the duly attested transcript thereof.

The MCMC will scrutinize the applications received and if the committee is of the opinion that the proposed advertisement is fit for telecast as per the guidelines prescribed by the Supreme Court of India then the committee shall issue the certificate of advertisement for print/ telecast. After obtaining certificate, the applicant shall produce the same before the Print media/ Electronic and Social media for telecasting/ printing the proposed advertisement.

All the editors of print media/ electronic media/ social media and Television Channels are informed to insist on certification issued by the Media Certification and Monitoring Committee (MCMC) before telecasting or publishing any advertisement from any political party/ contesting candidate/ any other person/ group of persons/ association/ organization/ Trust.


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