Justice Makarand Subhash Karnik, Judge High Court of Bombay at Goa was presented the set of Legal Comparative Study Books for High Court of Bombay at Goa in the presence of S. C. Munghate Registrar (Administration) and Ram Subrai Prabhudessai Registrar (Judicial) by Former Additional Advocate General Punjab and Practicing Lawyer Harpreet Sandhu at High Court of Bombay at Goa. The book, titled, Singapore – Indian Legal System – A Comparative Study” provides an understanding of the constitutional and legal functioning of India and Singapore and aims to strengthen relationship between both Nations in domain of law.
Justice Makarand Subhash Karnik acknowledged the legal comparative study book and stated that this is an excellent research study initiated by Punjab based lawyer Harpreet Sandhu on the law functioning in Singapore Courts comparing with Indian legal system which will be very useful for the Bar & Bench in Goa towards understanding the functioning of legal systems two nations in the domain of law.