Goan Reporter News: Applications For Post Matric And Pre Matric Scholarship Schemes For SC Students Invited


The Directorate of Social Welfare has invited applications for Post Matric Scholarship and Pre Matric Scholarship for Scheduled Caste Students (Component 1 and Component) for the financial year 2024-25 through online mode on National Scholarship Portal (NSP)       

Since the Department has on boarded both the Centrally Sponsored Scholarship Schemes on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) developed by the NIC, Scheme Division, upon the guidelines of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, New Delhi, the portal for Scheduled Caste Students will be opened from September 5, 2024 onwards. The functioning of the portal will be handled by the Technical Officers/Officials of the National Scholarship Portal (NSP), MC, and Scheme Division. All the educational institutions/ Schools are hereby requested to inform the Students to apply for the respective scholarships on the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) as per the eligibility, strictly through the online mode on National Scholarship portal (NSP) i.e. https://scholarships.gov.in

Students are required to download the NSPOTR app from the Play Store and do one time registration in order to apply for the Scholarship.

The requisite documents essential to apply for Scholarship shall be uploaded in original along with the application on or before November 30, 2024, the last date of submission of verified applications by the institutions/Colleges is December 31, 2024.

The Directorate of Social Welfare has also informed that those students who will be applying for the above mentioned scholarship schemes shall mandatorily adhere in respect to the Bank details. The Students shall give only details of the Nationalized Bank Account. Bank account should be compulsorily Aadhaar seeded and Acknowledgement copy of the Aadhaar seeding done should be uploaded for availing the benefit.

All the Institutions/ Colleges are informed that the income limit of the family from all sources should not exceed Rs.2.50 lakhs per annum in respect to above mentioned Schemes