goa celebrates the national voters day


The state of goa on Friday celebrated the national voters day at nenezes Braganza hall in Panjim ..

Governor of goa shri Bharat vir wanchoo was the chief guest of the function which inaugurated the function by lighting of the traditional lamp in the presence of goa state election commissioner dr m modassir other dignitaries …

The main objective of the function was to felicitate newly enrolled young voters in the age group of 18 to 19 by providing them the Epics and a badge with the slogan “Proud to be a voter-Ready to vote” and administering the oath to them.

This year 36,219 electors who have been enrolled in the electoral rolls in goa during the summary revision 2013  there are 12,171 electors in the age group of 18 to 19 years

The aim of the celebrations, upto the booth level, is the maximization of enrollment of young voters in the age group of 18 and 19.

Speaking on the occasion governor of goa shri Bharat vir wanchoo said that though the national voters day everyone had been able to deal with one of the weakest links in our electoral rolls and it I is encouraging that the enrollment of the 18 to 19 age group of goa was up to 66 % which was much higher than the national average of 40%

Meanwhile goa state election commissioner dr m modassir said that there was need to create awareness about voting in the local bodies of the state

Later prizes to state level winners as well street plays were also conducted during the function …