GFDC appoints Technical Director Karnagaran (Katz) Naidoo


10/07/IMG_4278 (Copy)2014 … GFDC Chairman Dr. Rufino Monteiro and Member Secretary Mr. Elvis Gomes unveiled the Councils Technical Director Karnagaran (Katz) Naidoo to the press this evening in the presence of Vice Chairman Mr. Anthony Bothelo.

Outlining GFDC’s aims of taking football forward, Dr Monteiro stressed that Katz’s programme would be to give practical shape to GFDC’s master plan for football which has been designed with inputs from the Council members and eminent sports personalities that had participated in GIFT – a seminar organised by GFDC a year ago.

With Katz taking over the technical work of GFDC , football training at all the centres will be taken to the next level and our trainees would receive scientific training in keeping with the needs of modern times . With this the aim and dreams of our Chief Minister who declared football as an official state sport and formed GFDC would materialise,” stated Dr Monteiro.

“ Katz is here to implement GFDC’s vision for football. Being a technical man with huge experience and highly recommended by people associated with African football , we had not much hesitations after analysing his vision for football.” Stated member secretary Mr. Gomes.

“Football needs to supplement its own eco- system. Community development forms a part of taking football development to every nook and corner available. Katz was recommended by Dr Robinson Peterson. Not just recommendations. Katz during his visit to see and understand our aims impressed us with his footprints to take the game forward. He is in-charge. Off- course we are here to help him in any way that will take the game forward,” stated Mr. Gomes.

Katz – as he is fondly called- in his address to the press demonstrated how football when looked scientifically can be enjoyed . It is a game that holds no barriers. It is the sport that fascinates all. I am here to learn from everyone. I have come here to leave behind a legacy. Football knows no barriers, says the coach from south Africa but with Indian origins.

“ There is no question of putting regimes. Training should be fun. When you enjoy , you learn best. There is no question of putting fear or running down any one. The idea is to get the best out of everyone. God is bestowed talent on everyone. We are instruments to tap those talents, “ stated Katz.

Having played and having been brought up in apartheid plagued South Africa, life was a steep climb. I survived because football is my love and football is all I know. I took this opportunity to come to Goa as a signal from above,” said the ebullient Technical Director.

Katz has a CV that will make most eyes twinkle with envy. Right from teaching football in South Africa , he has had stints in other countries in Asia and Europe. But it is not qualifications that matter much to him. It is how you learn to play. Katz in his simple words , let it be known that his decision to come here will be supplemented by the legacy he leaves behind.