force convenor savio lopes ends his hunger strike after assurance from state ruiling mla’s


04/08/2014 …. The 8 days strike called on by the convener of forum for children’s right to education savio lopes ended his fast on Monday evening after a written assurance was given by the 11 ml’as of the bjp led government of passing the moi bill in the next state assembly session which is schedule to take place in janaury 2016 …

Around 11 mla’s of the bjp led government which also included independent mla’s and minister’s like avertano furtado and alina saldanha submitted a written assurance signed by all the 11 mla’s to the force representatives at azad maidan after which parents asked force convener savio lopes to end his 8 days fast …

One of the point in the written assurance from the mla’s as well as minister states that the committee proceedings would be expedited and would be placed in the next assembly session in January 2016 ….
Speaking to goanreporter secretary of diocesan society of education fr zeferino d’souza said that they expected the government to abide with what the written assurance was given by the bjp led government members to force over the moi bill

Fisheries minister avertano furtado said that his government would pass the moi bill in the next assembly session in january

Meanwhile cumbarjua mla pandurang madkaikar said that if the state government could done certain thinks like clearing of micky pardon file in a day, mutation could be done in a day then why not the government could clear the moi bill in a day


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