eight member team of the GCA managing committee submits documents to investigating team alleging irregularities amounting to a total of 26 lakhs given in cash to a sports company by the then gca secretary in 2008


14/10/2014 …. An eight member team of the managing committee of goa cricket association on Monday presented documents to the investigating team consisting of KM Raghevandra and chartered accountant Pradeep Lad alleging irregularities amounting to a total of 26 lakhs given in cash to a sports company by the gca secretary in 2008 and other irregularities …

It may be noted that a two member committee comprising of CMO of Bits Pilani KM Raghevandra and chartered accountant Pradeep are investigating in to the financial and administrative affairs of the Goa Cricket Association

The two member committee on Monday heard former gca secretary and president of the Torda Sports Club Prasad phaterpekar who had written in his letter to the Registrar that his club has continued to suffer at the hands of GCA officials …

Speaking to media reporters investigating team consisting of KM Raghevandra the eight members of the gca managing committee had brought to their notice of certain irregularities and ahad laso informed them of not showing them the minutes books for months …

Meanwhile dr salkar said that his eight member team had not seen minutes book for the past so many months and therefore had told the investigating team that they should not be held responsible for any irregularities if found in the ongoing investigating process …

Dr salkar also alleged that an amount of 26 lakhs were paid by the then gca secretary and treasurer in ways of cash to a Mumbai based kho kho sports firm