Panaji: February 18, 2013 ….  Governor of Goa, Shri B. V. Wanchoo said that doctors like Premanand Ramani is a great example for our young medical me to emulate and keep the flame burning brighter and brighter. Our younger generation has intelligence and ability and if they work with determination, spirit of adventure and missionary zeal  as Dr. Ramani did, they can reach great heights and added a word of praise for the sense of extreme devotion, sacrifice and surgical skill and knowledge, with which Dr. Ramani has served and is serving the people.

The Governor was speaking at the felicitation function organized on the occasion of his 75th birthday held in the presence of Chief Minister, Shri Manohar Parrikar and other dignitaries at Ravindra Bhavan Margao yesterday.

Speaking further the Governor said that personalities like Dr. Ramani do not belong to a State or a society but are the citizen of the world as their services have a universal value.

The Governor said that Dr. Ramani as a pioneer in his field and as a pioneer in his field and an epitome of dedication who has acquired extensive and unfathomable depth of knowledge in the specialization  of Neuro Spinal Surgery. He said, today  health  care  in our country, with a staggering population of 1.21 billion, is a phenomenal challenge in the overall interest of the nation and humanity. We need dedicated and expert medical professionals, like Dr Ramani who can contribute effectively to this cause. He prayed that Goa and India may produce many more such outstanding medical men like Dr. Premanand Ramani to guide, preserve and protect the destinies of mankind.

Chief Minister, Shri Manohar Parrikar said Goa has Goa has produced outstanding personalities in  Army, banking , Science, Music, Medicine, Engineering  etc however the in the past few years we have lost our way  and there is lack of dedication and therefore there is need to look up to the people like Dr Ramani who he said can be role models for the younger generation.

Dr. Ramanai in his speech exhorted people to cultivate the art of giving away and leave behind a legacy, small or big for people to remember. He said exercise helps to keep the brain active, cultivate a passion in life, challenge the mind and deliver useful service to the society.

Earlier President of the felicitation Committee Shri Vishnu Surya wagh welcomed the gathering and Secretary Shastri Srikumar Sarjyotishi proposed a vote of thanks. The function was compared by Dr. Ajay Vaidya.  Smt. Pratima Premanand Ramani was also present on the dais.

Dr Ramani was presented a scroll of honour, memento , shawl and shrifal on the occasion.

Those present on the occasion included former Chief Minister Smt. Shashikala Kakodkar,  the chairperson of Ravindra Bhavan, Shri Damodar Naik, Ex-MLA Shri Vijay Pai Khot, Associate NCC Officer of Smt. Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts & Science, Margao Major Gunaji Dessai along with NCC Cadets from the college, Distinguished personalitis from medical and other fields, prominent citizens and  a large number of well wishers.