The Department of Mines and Geology has informed that as per rule 47 of the Goa Minor Minerals Concession Rules 1985, valid permit is required to be obtained from the Directorate of Mines and Geology to bring minor minerals to Goa from other States. For this purpose, the system of issuing online permits has gone live for which applicants need to visit the official website of the Directorate of Mines and Geology ( ). The Directorate had also issued public notice in the newspapers dated September 24, 2022.

To obtain an online permit, applicants first need to register the vehicle proposed to be used for transportation of minor minerals to Goa from other States and then fill the format available online, upload necessary documents and make payment online and submit the application.

The Directorate will process the application online and issue permits to those applicants compliant to the procedure within 24 hours excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public holidays. The applicants will get a message on their mobile and also on their email regarding approval granted for their application so that they will be able to download the permit issued. A copy of the permit will also go to the Directorate of Transport on their email id. Further the Directorate of Transport will also get a daily list of permits granted every day.

The present manual system of issuing permits at the check posts by the designated Inspecting Officers of Directorate of Transport will be discontinued.

From now on only online permits are valid.

However, the Inspecting Officers of Directorate of Transport at the check posts shall continue to exercise their powers and allow only those vehicles having valid permits issued by this Directorate.