North Goa District Magistrate has ordered for strict compliance of the following directions by the owners or operators of all Cyber Cafes in the entire North Goa District.

The owner or operator of the Cyber Cafe shall prohibit the use of Cyber Cafe by any unknown person whose identity has not been established by the owner of the cafe before allowing him to use the Cyber cafe. He/She shall maintain a register for identity of each of the visitor/user in the Cyber Cafe. He/She shall make the entry in register in the handwriting of the visitor/user mentioning time, name, residential address, telephone number and identity proof. The visitor/user shall also sign the register kept for this purpose.

The identity of the visitor/user shall be established only through any of the Government Identity Cards like Voter Card, Driving Licence, Smart Card, Passport, Aadhar card etc.

Activity server log should be preserved in the main server and its record should be preserved for atleast six months.

If any activity of the visitor appears to be suspicious nature, the owner of Cyber Cafe shall immediately inform the nearest Police Station and the Police Control Room (P.C.R.) or No. 100.

The Records shall maintained about each of the specific computer used by each visitor/user.

CCTV camera shall be installed by the owner at the enter point of each cyber cafe to cover every person entering the Cyber Cafe.

This order shall come into force w.e.f. September 8, 2022 and shall be effective for a period of 60 days that is upto November 6, 2022 (both days inclusive) unless withdrawn earlier, as informed by Department of Information and Publicity.

*Pic used for representational use only


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