Panaji: Sept. 1, 2016 …. Maintaining that the State Government is committed to provide better health facilities to the people of Goa, the Chief Minister Shri Laxmikant  Parsekar said and added that an amount of Rs. 4500 crores will be spent to construct Superspeciality hospitals in the State. The Government, he said has already initiated efforts to ensure that the benefit of health care facilities are availed by rural populace on par with urban population.

The Chief Minister was speaking after launching the unique Deen Dayal Swasthya Seva Yojana (DDSSY), a scheme to provide universal Health cover through Insurance for the entire resident population of Goa in the distinguished presence of Dy. Chief Minister Shri Francis D’ Souza, MLA and Chairman EDC, Shri Siddharth Kuncolienkar, Shri Sudhir Mahajan, IAS, Secretary, Health, Dr. Shekhar Salkar, Dr. Sanjiv  Dalvi, Director Health Services, Dr. Pradeep Naik, Dean GMC at function held at Institute Menezes Braganza hall, Panaji, today.

The Chief Minister said DDSSY would cover entire resident population of the State, residing Goa for five years and more. He said benefits under this Scheme are provided on a cashless basis to the beneficiaries upto the limit of their annual coverage i.e. cover upto Rs. 2.5 lakhs per annum for a family of three or less members. Cover upto Rs. 4 lakhs for a family of four and more members. The Insurance benefits can be availed individually or collectively by members of the family besides these, facilities will be available at the doorsteps in rural areas with the nearest private hospital and people may not travel long distances. The Specialized services not available in Government hospital can be availed from private hospital wherever available in Goa or outside the State, he added.

The Chief Minister who presented consent letters to 19 private hospitals empanelled under scheme on the occasion for the welfare of the people of the State and said that this was the endeavour of Government and the launching of DDSSY is decisive step in this direction. Government, he said is spending 100 crores in health sector for providing health infrastructure so that the benefit are derived by the people of Goa. Efforts, he said will be made to see that Goa emerges as a medical hub in the Country.

Dy. Chief Minister Shri Francis D’ Souza in his address said DDSSY was launched on Goa Statehood Day  May 31, 2016  and the benefits of the scheme will be made available to the population of Goa from the September 1, 2016. He said if there are discrepancies in scheme will be modified to make it effectively operative.

The Dy. Chief Minister said the notion of the people is that the private hospitals are providing better treatment facilities as against the Government run hospitals. In this context he said this scheme will give scope for competition as the DDSSY scheme has been made operational by empanelling 19 private hospitals in the State.

The Dy. Chief Minister said the Government has deposited an amount of 14 crores with the Insurance Company for the implementation of the scheme.

Earlier Shri Sudhir Mahajan, IAS, Secretary, Health welcomed. Dr. Vandana Dhume compere the function.