Dated 06.08.2014 Press Release For the day as on 05.08.2014


Pertaining to the cases registered at below mentioned Police Stations/Units are as under.



1) Husband of the Victim lady complained that on 23.08.11 betweeen 09.00 hrs. to 10.00 hrs., at construction site, Caranzalem-Goa, unknown accused person  kidnapped  his wife, age 24 yrs.,  along with  his  minor daughter, age 3 yrs., from the new  construction  site  at Caranzalem. Cr.No.314/14 u/s 363, 365 IPC and 8 of Goa Children Act is registered. PSI B. Z. Pawar is I.O.

2) Shri Sukhdev Nishad r/o Oasis complex Alto Nagali, Donapaula-Goa complained that on 04.08.14 at 21.32 hrs.,  unknown  accused person  gave phone calls  to  him,  when he was  at his  residence  and demanded of sum of Rs. 5 lakhs and  further  threatened  him  that if  he failed  to give  the said amount  he will  kidnap  his children. Cr.No.315/14 u/s 384 IPC stands registered. PSI M. Gadekar is I.O.

3)  Shri  Amrut  Singh C/o Animal  Rescue Squad, Bailipeth  Bicholim  Goa  complained that on  05.08.14 at TNK, five accused  persons namely 1)  Malik Jan, age 42 yrs., 2) Samir  Bepari, age 30 yrs., 3) Ashpak Bepari, age 25 yrs., 4)  Kumar Faruk Bepari,, age 21 yrs.,  N/o Belgaum, 5) Arman s/o Kasim Bepari, age 24 yrs. N/o Mumbai presently all r/o Mala Panaji Goa with their common intention  illegally  carried a business of  slaughtering of cow. Cr.No.316/14 u/s 295-A, 428, 429 IPC and  Sec 3 and 9 of prevention of cow slaughtering  Act, Sec 4 and 10 Goa  Animal  Prevention  Act  , Sec 11 prevention of cruelty to animal  Act , Sec 16 Goa  Prevention  of food  Adulteration Act r/w 34 IPC stands registered. PSI M Gadekar is I.O.


 Mr.  Leo D’Souza s/o F D’Souza r/o Candolim complained that on 02.08.14 between 01.30 hrs.  to 02.00 hrs.   unknown  culprit/s  effected entry  into the  room of complainant ‘s  son  by breaking  latch  of the  balcony  door and  committed  theft of cash  of Rs.5500/-, camera make  Nikon, wrist  watch  mobile  external  charger, ATM card of Axis bank and other  mobile  charger all W/Rs.39250/-. Cr.No.188/14 u/s 457, 380 IPC stands registered. PSI S. Pednekar is I. O.


Mother of the Victim boy complained that on 27.06.14 at 13.00 hrs., unknown accused person  kidnapped her son, age 06 yrs., and her husband  from the  lawful guardianship of the complainant. Cr.No.126/14 u/s 363, 365 IPC and 8 of Goa Children Act is registered. PSI S. Majik is I. O.


On 05.08.14, one male  person  namely  Narayan  Dattaram  Paikuchelkar, age 65 yrs., r/o  Sanquelim was found lying dead near Dattamandir, Sanquelim due to  Electrocution. Body handed over to the relative of deceased.  U.D.No.58/14 u/s 174 Cr. P. C. stands registered.





Shri Manoj S. Mhalsekar r/o Karwar complained that on 30.07.14 at between 14.15 hrs.  to 14.30 hrs., at IDC Sancoale accused No.1 Mr.  Gauthem  without taking  care and  precaution negligently  operated  bending  machine  and accused no.2  owner of the company  Pravin Patil  failed to take care in providing safety at the  workplace resulting into  grievous  injury to the fingers of the complainant’s brother while working on bending machine. Cr.No.108/14 u/s 287, 338 IPC stands registered.


Shri Caetano s/o Raul Mascarenhas r/o Uzaro Raia, Salcete Goa complained that in between 04.08.14 at 23.00 hrs.  to 05.30 hrs.,  on 05.08.14  at  Uzaro, Raia, unknown  accused person  effected entry into his house through bathroom windows glass and committed theft of cash of Rs.8,000/- approx., two wrist  watches amounting  Rs.8,000/- and  keys of Skoda and Fiat car belonging  to the complainant.Cr.No.137/14 u/s  457, 380 IPC stands registered.  PSI Pradeep Velip is I. O.