Dated 04.08.2014 Press Release For the day as on 03.08.2014


  Pertaining to the cases registered at below mentioned Police Stations/Units are as under.


VALPOI PS: On 03.08.2014, dead body of one male person namely Ramdas s/o Deu Gawde age-31 yrs. r/o Dhatwada-Vantem-Sattari was found floating in pond water at Dhatwada-Vantem-Sattari. U.D.No.23/14 u/s 174 Cr. P. C. is registered. PSI-V.V. Pilgaonkar is I. O.

MAPUSA PS: Mother of the Victim girl complained that on 03.08.2014 at about 01.30 hrs, accused Lucky Ali Ansari n/o Manipur r/o Mapusa criminally trespassed into her compound premises, intentionally undressed himself and made indecent gestures towards her daughter ( Victim girl ) by standing at the entrance steps of her house, thereby insulted her modesty and her daughter. Accused arrested. Cr.No.335/14 u/s 447,509 IPC is registered. HC-D. K. Malik is I.O.

BICHOLIM PS: Shri Francis s/o Casma Eldes r/o Kholpiwada-Sal complained that on 03.08.2014 at 12.30 hrs, at Kholpiwada-Sal, accused person namely Anil Baba Raut with other 20 to 25 people all r/o Sal with their common intention formed an unlawful assembly, criminally trespassed into his property and damaged tree compound of cashew plantation, thereby caused loss to him to the tune of Rs.35,000/- approx. Cr.No.174/14 u/s 143, 447, 427 r/w 149 IPC is registered. HC- S.P. Gaonkar is I.O.

PONDA PS: On 03.08.2014, one pt. namely Umesh Gawde age- 30 yrs. r/o Murdi-Khandepar who was admitted in GMC-Bambolim under case of M.V. accident at Khandepar, expired. U.D.No.71/14 u/s 174 Cr. P. C. is registered. PSI-Satish Gaude is I. O.


DABOLIM AIRPORT PS: Shri Sanjiv s/o Laxman Sawant r/o Aquem-Alto Margao complained that on 02.08.2014 at 14.45 hrs, some unknown accused person stolen his 01 Lenova Laptop, 01 jack etc. all W/rs.25,000/- approx. from his Swift Desire car No.GA-07-E-1913 which was parked in front of car parking building at Dabolim Airport in an open place. Cr.No.10/14 u/s 379, 427 IPC is registered. ASI-R.J. Velip is I.O.

VERNA PS: On 03.08.2014, one pt. namely Bhagwan Nayak age 41 yrs. r/o Pirni-Verna who was admitted in GMC Bambolim under the case of fall in toilet at Cipla Company, expired while undergoing medical treatment. U. D.No .31/14 u/s 174 Cr. P. C. is registered. PSI-A. Shirodkar is I. O.