Panaji July 05, 2019 ::: In an attempt to include journalists’ representing electronic media as members of the Goa Union of Journalists’, the Executive Committee of GUJ appointed a special six member committee under the chairmanship of GUJ President Rajtilak Naik.

The other members of the committee are Vasudev Pagi (GUJ General Secretary), Audumber Shinde (GUJ Executive Committee member), Sandesh Prabhudesai (Consulting Editor-Goa 365), Kanzil Rodriguez (GUJ Executive Committee member) and Loukik Shilkar (Senior reporter- Prudent Media).

The committee will prepare a report considering various aspects and submit the report on a fast track basis to the GUJ Executive Committee. The report will be then put before the special AGM to make necessary amendment in the GUJ constitution by which the long pending demand of the electronic media scribes will be fulfilled. The committee was formed during the first meeting of the GUJ Executive Committee held in Panaji on Wednesday.

Another six member committee has been formed which will work in resolving the journalist pension scheme. The members of the committee are GUJ President Rajtilak Naik (Chairman), Vasudev Pagi, Kishor Naik Gaonkar, Gerard D’cunha, Ganesh Shetkar, and Pramod Thakur.

The Executive Committee also resolved to co-opt six new members including two women representatives in the committee. The co-opted members are Teja Arondekar (Dainik Herald), Pradnya Rane (The Goan), Marcos Gonsalves (Gomantak Times), Narayan Pissurlenkar (The Goan), Mahesh Gaonkar (Navaprabha), and Marcus Mergulhao (The Times of India).