comments made on mother teresa are not in good taste says st cruz mla babush monsoratte


04/04/2015 … St cruz mla babush monsoratte on Tuesday said that the recent comments made on mother Teresa by certain organizations were not in good taste

Speaking to goanreporter the st cruz mla said that mother Teresa was a person who had come to serve, help the poor and needy and was never in to the part of conversion in the country ….

Commenting over the issue of ghar vapsi monsoratte said it was the politicians who had created such a vicious atmosphere and in goa there was no one who was interested in believing in this issue if ghar vapsi

Commenting over the issue of third front Monsoratte said that though he was of the opinion of having a regional political party whose high command was from goa he was still for himself and would think about it when the third front was there in reality