Panaji: September 04, 2016 …. Chief Minister Shri Laxmikant Parsekar has extended warm greeting to the teaching community of Goa on the occasion of   55th Teachers’ Day celebration.

The Chief Minister Shri Parsekar in his message says: 5th September is the birthday of late Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, our former President, who was highly learned, distinguished teacher, a renowned educationist and a philosopher.

Since time immemorial, teacher has been revered as a role model, who shaped the lives of young and budding students and enlightened their minds. On this day, our teachers` should strive to achieve the best for students and Society.

While celebrating Teachers’ Day, we respectfully pay homage to late Dr. S.  Radhakrishnan and recall the monumental role played by teachers as builders of the Nation.

On this occasion, “I appeal to the teaching community of Goa, to draw inspiration from Dr. S. Radhkrishnan and discharge their duties, with a renewed sense of dedication and commitment. I extend my greetings and felicitations to all the teachers of the State of Goa and wish them all a Happy Teachers Day, the Chief Minister concludes  in his message.